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Crown Bioscience Develops Innovative NAFLD Model

Santa Clara, Calif., Sept. 15, 2016 Crown Bioscience, a global drug discovery and development services company providing translational platforms to advance metabolic disease and oncology research, has reached a milestone in developing a model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

The new NAFLD model was created by PreClinOmics, a Crown Bioscience company specializing in contract preclinical services for metabolic, cardiovascular and renal diseases, using its proprietary FATZO model for obesity and Type 2 diabetes. The FATZO model is a spontaneously hyperglycemic model and serves as an excellent translational platform for developing models of NAFLD.

“The new model complements our NHP model of NAFLD and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), creating a continuum of in vivo platforms that enables us to provide our clients with end-to-end preclinical support for their CVMD research,” said Jim Wang, M.D., senior vice president of cardiovascular and metabolic disease (CVMD) research at CrownBio. “It can be used as a translational tool to study novel compounds in late stage drug discovery.”

CrownBio will be presenting data on this new model at the upcoming Discovery on Target meeting, Sept. 19–22 in Boston. Amar Thyagarajan, Ph.D., associate director of product marketing and strategy at CrownBio, will give a presentation titled “Advances in Preclinical Models for Cardio-Metabolic and Liver Disease” at 3:15 p.m. on Sept. 20.

“Presently there are no approved therapies for NASH,” said Van Jackson, Ph.D., general manager and CSO at PreClinOmics. “In its most severe form, NASH disease can lead to liver cancer and the need for transplantation. We are hopeful this new research model can be used as a translational model for NASH and lead to new avenues for treatment and recovery.”

For more information on CrownBio’s growing portfolio of models and services for CVMD drug discovery, visit www.crownbio.com.

About Crown Bioscience Inc.

Crown Bioscience is a global drug discovery and development service company providing translational platforms to advance oncology and metabolic disease research. With an extensive portfolio of relevant models and predictive tools, Crown Bioscience enables clients to deliver superior clinical candidates. For more information, please visit www.crownbio.com.

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