Suitable preclinical models such as patient-derived xenografts (PDX) are needed to evaluate drugs specifically targeting metastatic carcinoma. PDX models are known to be the most predictive preclinical model for evaluating an agent’s efficacy prior to entering the clinic. More
PDX offer the most translational preclinical model for efficacy screening in cancer drug development. Derived directly from patient tumors and never adapted to grow in vitro, PDX models reflect the heterogeneity and diversity of the human patient population. PDX give you an accurate, predictive model of how your treatment will perform, well before entering into expensive clinical trials. Crown Bioscience’s HuPrime® PDX models are well characterized for pathology, growth characteristics, and are also genetically/genomically annotated for gene expression, gene copy number, mutations, and fusions.
MC0665 | Metastatic Carcinoma | SCC | Squamous cell carcinoma of adipose connective tissue from right groin, moderately differentiated. No malignant cells adjacent to incisal margin and basement. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC1392 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Invasive squamous cell carcinoma from pelvic cavity wall, right fossa iliaca and ilium. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC1454 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma to right chest wall | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC2296 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Malignant tumor of left trigonum (consider neuroendocrine carcinoma metastatic to brain), suggest to do clinical lung examination. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3050 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Metastatic adenocarcinoma to greater omentum. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3084 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Metastatic adenocarcinoma to left neck lymph node. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3128 | Metastatic Carcinoma | SCC | Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma to right neck LN. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3160 | Metastatic Carcinoma | SCC | Right neck lymph node: consider metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma on the basis of IHC results, and squamous cell carcinoma is dominated | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3161 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | NA | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3359 | Metastatic Carcinoma | Adenocarcinoma | Right gluteal region: invasive adenocarcinoma, metastatic adenocarcinoma can not be ruled out. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3405 | Metastatic Carcinoma | ADC | Left ovary: metastatic adenocarcinoma | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3464 | Metastatic Carcinoma | SCC | Right neck: metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in lymph nodes (14/21), consider metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, while high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma need to be excluded. | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3603 | Metastatic Carcinoma | SCC | Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in lymph nodes (2/28) | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3624 | Metastatic Carcinoma | ADC | Right neck: based on medical history, consider tumor is metastatic poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC3685 | Metastatic Carcinoma | ADC | Left supraclavicular lymph nodes: based on IHC results, consider tumor is metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma | CLICK TO VIEW |
MC6624 | Metastatic Carcinoma | NA | Left side of liver and stomach: poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with massive necrosis, infiltrating to gastric submucosa. Five of nine lymph nodes involved by metastatic carcinoma (5/9). IHC results: Hepa(-), AFP(-), CD34(blood vessel +), CK7(-), CK19(+++), HSP-70(++), GS(small +), GPC-3(-), KI67(50%+), HCK(+++), P63(+), CK8(+++), SYN(-), CHG(-), CD56(-), MUC-1(-), MUC-2(-), MUC-4(-), MUC-5(-), MUC-6(-). | CLICK TO VIEW |
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