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CrownBio Demonstrates Scientific Advancements in Metabolic Disease with a validated and improved translatable model for obesity and Type 2 Diabetes drug discovery

(Santa Clara, Calif., July 6, 2017) — Crown Bioscience, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crown Bioscience International (TWSE: ticker 6554) and a global drug discovery and development services company providing translational platforms to advance oncology, cardiovascular and metabolic disease research, announces the publication of two new scientific papers indicating that the FATZO model is a significantly improved rodent model for obesity, dysmetabolism and type 2 diabetes for pre-clinical studies.

The research conducted by CrownBio, and collaborators was published 06/22/17 in two PLOS ONE papers.

Charles Van Jackson, CSO CrownBio Indiana commented, “The FATZO mouse is an improved translatable model that provides us with a better understanding of the physiological and cellular mechanisms that lead from obesity, metabolic disorders, to diabetes. The data presented in these papers demonstrates that FATZO has several advantages over traditional rodent models and will impact the speed of drug discovery”

The FATZO model, has been developed to provide polygenic obesity and a metabolic pattern of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. These studies demonstrate that the FATZO model is a more translatable rodent model for obesity and type 2 diabetes, including for the development of anti-diabetic therapeutics.

“The publication of these papers are indicative of how CrownBio continues to further validate the translatability of this model and our commitment to bring to the market novel models that are more representative of human conditions of obesity and type 2 diabetes.” said Laurie Heilmann, SVP of Global Strategy, Marketing & Business Development. “These scientific advancements of translatable model development are the key to early discovery of disease and enable faster drug discovery.”

For more information on CrownBio’s commitment to furthering the field of cardiovascular and metabolic drug discovery, visit https://www.crownbio.com/cvmd

About Crown Bioscience Inc.

Crown Bioscience is a global drug discovery and development solutions company providing translational platforms to advance oncology and metabolic disease research. With an extensive portfolio of relevant models and predictive tools, Crown Bioscience enables clients to deliver superior clinical candidates.

Media Enquiries:

Jody Barbeau
Crown Bioscience Inc. marketing@crownbio.com

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