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On Demand Webinar

Large-Panel Organoid Screening: Bridging Reproducibility and Clinical Relevance in Oncology Drug Discovery

Don't miss the opportunity to view a transformative talk by Liza Wijler, an authority in the field of organoid drug discovery. In this crucial discussion on Pan-cancer 'Assay-ready' Organoid Drug Screening, you will delve deep into the innovations that are setting new standards for preclinical anticancer drug screening.

You'll learn about:

  • Revolutionary Organoid Models: Learn about Patient-Derived Organoids (PDOs) and Patient-Derived Xenograft–Derived Organoids (PDXOs), which are superior 3D tumor models that more accurately simulate human cancer conditions, thereby improving the translatability of preclinical data.

  • High Throughput Drug Screening (HTS): Gain insights into how these organoid models are uniquely suited for high-throughput drug screening, an essential phase in early drug discovery. They offer benefits such as genetic stability and high clinical predictivity.

  • Case Study Insights: The talk will feature a detailed case study comparing an Assay-Ready (AR) organoid platform to traditional models. Learn how this revolutionary platform significantly cuts down timelines and costs.

  • Practical Applications: Discover how these advanced organoid models can be leveraged for large-scale studies, thus allowing for quicker decision-making about lead compounds, patient stratification, and more.

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About The Presenter:

Liza Wijler, Scientist, Research and Innovation

Bio coming soon.

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