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Model Information:

Cancer Type Breast Cancer
Grade NA
Stage NA
Ethnicity Western
Gender NA
Age NA
Pathology Diagnosis Classical-type ILC. Nested architecture. Duct forms are seen in probably 20% of the tumor (score 2). Nuclei are intermediate to large with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tubules: 2, Nuclei: 3, Mitoses: 3 (16 per 10 HPF)=Grade III. Lung, LN, bone metastasis.
Biopsy Site Pleural Effusion
Treatment History NA
Pathology QC Invasive ductal carcinoma (P7). IHC: E-caderin(2+)??P120(2~3+) (P7)
Special Features IHC (P7,P8): HER2(-), ER(3+), PR(2.5+)
Mouse Strain NOD.SCID
Viral Status in PDX NA
Available In CB_CN
RNA Seq P6
Exome Seq P6

Growth Characteristics

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