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Safety Pharmacology Studies

Everything you need to know about your agent before moving to efficacy testing

Safety pharmacology studies are needed to assess potential adverse side effects of therapeutic compounds. Our safety studies can be provided as standalone assessments or embedded within our overall toxicological profiling.

Our comprehensive safety pharmacology evaluations in rodents include assessments of:

System Rodent
Cardiovascular BP, HR including continuous telemetry monitoring, cardiac injury biomarker panel (MSD)
Metabolic Long-term continuous monitoring of glucose via telemetry device, biomarker assessment (std. ELISA and MSD)
Renal/urinary Renal function, blood chemistry, kidney injury biomarker panel (MSD)

To provide accurate multi-dimensional data and an enhanced safety assessment, Crown Bioscience can perform both cardiovascular (blood pressure) and metabolic (glucose level) assessments via continuous telemetry monitoring. Blood pressure (BP) monitoring via radio telemetry is also available for rodent models. BP measurements can be performed over several months if needed, and experimental readouts include mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic and diastolic pressures, and heart rate (HR).

Continuous glucose monitoring is available using Data Sciences International (DSI) technology, allowing continuous biochemical and physiological evaluation following compound administration. The telemetry device can be used for studies of approximately four weeks in duration, limited only by the probe lifetime which is based on the amount of glucose oxidase that can be loaded.


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